Monday • May 10, 2010
Topic: Art H 497 - Caravaggio and Annibale Carracci in confronto at Santa Maria del Popolo
Meet: 9AM on the steps of Sant' Agostino. We will walk together to Santa Maria del Popolo.
Cerasi Chapel - Maria
- Blue Guide, 159-65;
- Charles Dempsey, “The Carracci Reform of Painting,” in The Age of Correggio and the Carracci, exh. cat. Washington, 1986, 237-54;
- Pamela Jones, “The place of poverty in Seicento Rome: bare feet, humility, and the pilgrimage of life in Caravaggio’s Madonna of Loreto (ca. 1605-6) in the church of S. Agostino,” (excerpt) in Altarpieces and their Viewers in the Churches of Rome from Caravaggio to Guido Reni, Aldershot, 2008, 103-129.
Tuesday • May 11, 2010
Topic: Art H 397 - Day trip - Imperial villegiatura, Late Renaissance and Roman: the Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este
Meet: 8:15 AM inside the portone, UWRC Palazzio Pio.
Lunch: plan to bring a bag lunch - weather permitting, we will eat lunch at Hadrian's Villa.
Hadrian's Villa - Denver
Villa d'Este - Kelsey
- Blue Guide, 521-34;
- Indra Kagis McEwen, “Hadrian's Rhetoric II: Thesaurus Eloquentiae, the Villa at Tivoli,” RES 25 (Spring 1994): 51-60;
- Claudia Lazzaro, “Tivoli’s Ancient Waters Revived,” in The Italian Renaissance Garden, New Haven and London, 1990, 215-42.
Wednesday • May 12, 2010
Topic: Art H 397 - From the Farnesina to the Galleria Farnese (note: Wednesday and Thursday on the syllabus have been switched)
Meet: 9AM, meet in front of the Portone, UWRC Palazzo Pio - students in the Trastevere apartment may meet at the entrance to the Farnesina at 9:15.
We will walk together back to the Rome Center for a classroom session after our visit to the Farnesina.
Villa Farnesina - Kristin
- Augenti, 166-69;
- Ingrid Rowland, “Render unto Caesar the Things which are Caesar’s: Humanism and the Arts in the Patronage of Agostino Chigi,” in Renaissance Quarterly 39 (Winter 1986): 673-94 (excerpt);
- Charles Dempsey, “‘Et nos cedamus amori’: Observations on the Farnese Gallery,” The Art Bulletin, 50 (1968): 363-74.
Thursday • May 13, 2010
Topic: Art H 497 - Domenichino and Guido Reni (note: Wednesday and Thursday on the syllabus have been switched)
Meet: 8:20 AM inside the portone, UWRC Palazzo Pio. We will first go to SS. Trinità dei Pellegrini. We will then travel together by city bus to the oratories San Gregorio Magno.
- Blue Guide, 340-41;
- Rudolf Wittkower, Art and Architecture in Italy 1600-1750, 6th ed., rev. by Joseph Connors and Jennifer Montagu, New Haven, 1999, vol. 1, 46-54;
- Pamela Jones, “Leading pilgrims to paradise: Guido Reni’s Holy Trinity (1625-26) for the church of SS. Trinità dei Pellegrini e Convalescenti and the care of bodies and souls,” (excerpts) in Altarpieces and their Viewers in the Churches of Rome from Caravaggio to Guido Reni, Aldershot, 2008, 261-91, 305-17.
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