Monday • April 26, 2010
Topic: Art H 497 - The New Orders and the Renewal of Rome: the Gesù and Renovatio at S. Cecilia
Meet: 9AM, in front of the Gesù - Piazza del Gesù
Go past Largo Argentina on Via del Plebiscito. The church will be on your right.
We will travel together to Santa Cecilia in Trastevere after the Gesù.
Gesù architecture - Mara
Gesù interior chapels - Vicki
Santa Cecilia - Lauren
- Blue Guide, 290-93, 380-83;
- Howard Hibbard, “Ut picturae sermones: The First Painted Decorations of the Gesù,” in Baroque Art: The Jesuit Contribution, ed. Rudolf Wittkower and Irma Jaffé, New York, 1972, 29-49;
- Maryvelma Smith O’Neil, “Stefano Maderno’s Saint Cecilia: A Seventeenth Century Roman Sculpture Remeasured,” Antologia di Belle Arti 25-26 (1985): 9-21;
- John Paoletti and Gary Radke, “The Demands of the Council of Trent,” in Paoletti and Radke, Art in Renaissance Italy, 3rd ed., Upper Saddle River, 2005, 513-26.
Tuesday • April 27, 2010
Topic: Art H 397 - Midterm
Meet: 9:30 AM, 3rd floor classroom, UWRC Palazzo Pio
Wednesday • April 28, 2010
Topic: Art H 497 - The Oratorians between Archaism and Art: S. Maria in Vallicella
Meet: 9AM, 3rd floor classroom, UWRC Palazzo Pio
We will walk together to Santa Maria in Vallicella (Chiesa Nuova).
- Blue Guide, 294-98;
- Stuart Lingo, Federico Barocci, 1-9, 84-89, 165-77;
- Georgia Wright, “Caravaggio’s Entombment Considered In Situ,” in Art Bulletin 60 (March 1978): 35-42;
- Hans Belting, Likeness and Presence, Chicago, 1984, 484-90 (plus notes and appendix).
Thursday • April 29, 2010
Topic: Art H 397 - The Fifteenth-Century Rebuilding of Rome: Cardinals’ Churches and Palaces (Palazzo Venezia and the church of San Marco, Palazzo della Cancelleria, S. Agostino)
Meet: 9AM, meet in front of the Portone, UWRC Palazzo Pio
We will walk together to the Cancelleria, Palazzo Venezia and Sant' Agostino
- Blue Guide, 128-134, 305-06;
- Augenti, 105-121;
- John Onians, Bearers of Meaning: The Classical Orders in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance, Princeton, 1988, 192-206 (“A New Christian Architecture”);
- Ludwig Heydenreich, Architecture in Italy 1400-1500, New Haven and London, 1996 (first publ. 1974), 67-73 (“Palazzi”).
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