Monday • April 12, 2010
Topic: Art H 497 - Raphael, the Transformation of the Altarpiece, and the Cult of Images in High Renaissance Rome
Meet: 9AM, 3rd floor classroom, UWRC Palazzo Pio
We will meet first in the classroom to introduce the topic then travel together to Sant' Agostino.
- John Shearman, Only Connect, Princeton, 1992, 79-89, 101-5;
- Stuart Lingo, Federico Barocci: Allure and Devotion in late Renaissance Painting, New Haven and London, 2008, 52-57;
- Alexander Nagel, Michelangelo and the Reform of Art, New York and Cambridge, 2000, 83-115 (“Humanism and the Altar Image”);
- Julia Haig Gaisser, “The Rise and Fall of Goritz’s Feasts,” inRenaissance Quarterly 48 (Spring, 1995): 41-57;
- Virginia Anne Bonito, “The Saint Anne Altar in Sant’Agostino: Restoration and Interpretation,” in Burlington Magazine 124 (May, 1982): 268-27.
Tuesday • April 13, 2010
Topic: Art H 397 - The Emperor, the Cosmos, and the Sacred: The Pantheon and the Ara Pacis
Meet: 9AM at the fountain in front of the Pantheon in Piazza della Rotunda
Pantheon - Rachel
Ara Pacis - Shannon
- Blue Guide, 158, 259-263;
- Jas Elsner, “Cult and Sculpture: Sacrifice on the Ara Pacis Augustae,” Journal of Roman Studies 81 (1991), 50-61;
- William Lloyd MacDonald, “The Problem of Meaning,” in The Pantheon: Design, Meaning, and Progeny, Cambridge, Mass., 1976, 76-92;
- Indra Kagis McEwen, “Hadrian’s Rhetoric I: The Pantheon,” RES 24 (1993), 55-66.
Wednesday • April 14, 2010
Topic: Art H 497 - Michelangelo, the Body, and the Last Judgment of Renaissance Art: The Santa Maria sopra Minerva Risen Christ and the Last Judgment
Meet: 9AM, 3rd floor classroom, UWRC Palazzo Pio
We will first meet in the classroom to introduce the topic and discuss Michelangelo's Last Judgement. Then we will travel together to Santa Maria sopra Minerva.
Michelangelo's Risen Christ - Ryan
- Giorgio Vasari, The Lives of the Artists, selections trans. by George Bull, vol. 1, London, 1965, 378-83;
- Melinda Schlitt, “Painting, Criticism, and Michelangelo’s Last Judgment in the Age of the Counter-Reformation,” in Michelangelo’s Last Judgment, 113-49;
- William Wallace, “Michelangelo’s Risen Christ,” in The Sixteenth-Century Journal 28 (1997): 1251-1280.
Thursday • April 15, 2010
Topic: Art H 397 - From Imperial to Papal Rome: Santa Costanza and Sant’Agnese fuori le mura
Cooking class
8AM inside Portone, UWRC Palazzo Pio - Bill the Cook's food tour of the Campo de' Fiori
9AM inside Portone, UWRC Palazzo Pio
6:30PM via Goffredo Mameli 51, Trastevere - cooking class
From the Campo de' Fiori take Via Giubbonari to via dell' Arco del Monte, take a right. Follow this street across the Ponte Sisto to Piazza Trilussa. In Piazza Trilussa take a left onto Via del Moro. Follow Via del Moro to Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere (you will see the church on your right). From Piazza Sta. Maria in Trastevere take Via San Cosimato to Piazza San Cosimato. There will be market stalls, a playground and likely ragazzi playing calcio. Follow Via Agostino Bertani to Via Goffredo Mameli. Take a left on Mameli and continue down the street until you get to number 51.
If Trastevere is unfamiliar to you, it's probably a good idea to use a map when following these directions because the streets tend to change names. If you get lost, feel free to call me.
From the Campo de' Fiori take Via Giubbonari to via dell' Arco del Monte, take a right. Follow this street across the Ponte Sisto to Piazza Trilussa. In Piazza Trilussa take a left onto Via del Moro. Follow Via del Moro to Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere (you will see the church on your right). From Piazza Sta. Maria in Trastevere take Via San Cosimato to Piazza San Cosimato. There will be market stalls, a playground and likely ragazzi playing calcio. Follow Via Agostino Bertani to Via Goffredo Mameli. Take a left on Mameli and continue down the street until you get to number 51.
If Trastevere is unfamiliar to you, it's probably a good idea to use a map when following these directions because the streets tend to change names. If you get lost, feel free to call me.
- Blue Guide, 480-482; Augenti, 61-71;
- Ross Holloway, “Basilicas, Baptistry, and Burial,” in Constantine and Rome, New Haven and London, 2004, 57-73;
- Karl Lehmann, “Sta. Costanza,” in The Art Bulletin 37, no. 3. (Sep., 1955): 193-196 and “Santa Costanza: An Addendum,” in Art Bulletin 37 (December, 1955): 291;
- Jas Elsner, “Inventing Christian Rome: the role of early Christian art,” in: Rome the Cosmopolis, ed. Catharine Edwards and Greg Woolf, Cambridge, 2003, 71-99;
- Matilda Webb, “Sant’Agnese Fuori le Mura and Catacomb,” and “Santa Costanza,” in The Churches and Catecombs of Early Christian Rome: A Comprehensive Guide, Brighton and Portland, 2001, 246-252 (recommended).
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